Hello friends, I hope you enjoyed the blog discussion series on the chakras! Meditating and working through your chakra centers can be such a powerful aid to you on your path of enlightenment. When your chakras are balanced and aligned you will find that your life sort of seems to be as well. You may not be a millionaire with three homes, but you have a sense of contentment and purpose in your life that was lacking before you began your chakra work. One powerful way to continue working through your chakra centers is to learn how to pay attention to your dream content as well. Remember that information that comes to us in dreams is information as useful as information you receive in the mail, so long as you know how to activate it and learn from it. It’s such an important part of your path of enlightenment that I will be launching a blog discussion on the subject of dreams alone in the very near future. You can make sure that you don’t miss a beat of that by bookmarking my About Me page or the Dreams Board on my Pinterest page. I also am posting dream tips on my Google+ page through the spring to help you stay tuned into those special night time experiences. Today I am going to help you get into the practice of activating those dream centers, so that you too can use that information to guide and direct you on your path of enlightenment. So let’s get to it!
I always say on Tumblr when there are certain aspects in the skies that can help you make note of your dream content. Specifically Neptune is one planet that can aid in that regard, and I do have a blog series on that I am posting on the Planets Board on my Pinterest as well. But when those aspects aren’t favoring dream content, how can you create your own dreams? Most of us already look forward to going to bed at night, what if you had one more reason to, by knowing how to create your own dreams?
Well, you can do it, but you need to understand the process as well. The process is really as simple as telling yourself before you go to sleep what you want to dream about. I could finish the post right now and leave it at that, but you will get so much more out of that practice if you truly understand what is involved for that practice to work.
And this is where intention comes in. Activating your dream content is likely possible under any mental condition that you are in, but when your spirit and your heart is prepared with the purest intention, you have a better chance at getting answers to those “prayers”.
Here’s an example. Let’s say you are having a romantic problem and you want some input from your dreams to help guide you on the right path. You go to bed at night with all of your standard routine, and as you are lying down and preparing to go into dreamland you tell yourself, your angels, or your guides, that you would like to dream about you and your romantic partner on vacation having a great time, as some sort of assurance to you that by seeing this dream you will receive faith that all will end well with your particular situation.
You may well dream of just that, but it’s unlikely, and you will find yourself disappointed in the process of learning how to activate your dream content because you didn’t get what you asked for. That’s because it doesn’t work that way, it works with your intention, not with your desire. If all you wanted was happy go lucky answers from the universe, you will find yourself disappointed more often than not. The universe will always and only provide you with the truth. So when you set your intention to create your own dream content, you need to do so with the willingness and preparedness to accept whatever truth the universe will send you. And always remember that the truth will set you free.
So how do you do that, what words do you say to ensure that is what you are asking at this point? You simply ask for the solution to your current problem to reveal itself in your dream world. You can do this in prayer, as a wish, or in a conversation with your guides and angels, however you choose to communicate this intention is your own personal choice, there is no wrong answer. If you do so by simply putting your head on the pillow, closing your eyes, and saying, “Please show me in my dream tonight what the solution to my problem with (money, love, etc) is right now that would be a blessing for which I would be deeply grateful.” And then you can let the thoughts go, and drift off into dreamland waiting for your answer to arrive. Do this every night, and get into this practice. It may happen night one, it may not, but you will find the rewards in the process nonetheless.
And if you have any enjoyable experiences using this method, we would love to hear them! Post your dream activation methods on my Facebook wall or Google+ page and enlighten us all with your enlightening experiences. Look forward to hearing them all. Until then, sweet dreams my friends. Love, Norah