There are so many ways to channel your inner psychic abilities, and one of the most common ways to get started is to have an active relationship with your guides and angels. Why? When you have immediate access to them, you are instantly awakened. For me, I like to think of it as having my own personal phone line to heaven. Just think of the endless possibilities you have in store for you if you can call heaven, any time you want, and have all of your answers to prayer right away. Today Norah Guide is going to talk about talking to heaven, it’s so much easier than you think.
The first thing you need is the belief that they are there. We all waver on that from time to time, we are humans and have an ego and rational mind that needs logistics, statistics, and data to confirm our hyphotheses. Nothing wrong with that. The funny thing about angels though is that, when you use them regularly, you get that data whenever you want! The more you access this world, the more it becomes second nature, and the data you are looking for will start manifesting itself even when you aren’t asking for it. That’s the most miraculous part of it all.
If you aren’t good at praying, you don’t need to be. All you need to do is ask for them. When you acknowledge them, they immediately become of service to you. See, here’s the thing. They are already there, around you, right now as you read this nodding their heads and hoping that you will finally “see the light”. How to get through to them is by changing your vibration level.
You are on an Earthly vibration, they are on a heavenly vibration, but they have been with you since the day you were born. Most people have anywhere from 60 to 80 or even more around them ALL the time. They are the best friends you will ever have, some of them have even been with you on this Earth during your life time and crossed over. You see then how you can talk to them just like you would anyone else.
To change your vibration level, there are a number of things you can do. For starters, simply asking for them out loud is one way to raise your vibration. They hear you! Prayer works well also, and so does meditation. I always like to think of prayer as the time we put in our orders to heaven, and meditation as the time where we receive our instruction. So I perform these two tasks side by side, first I ask, then I listen. Like I said, you will soon get into this habit almost by second nature as soon as you start it. Why? It is IN your nature already, in another life, another plane, you already had a working relationship with your angels and spirit guides. So you already know how to speak with them. You just need to do so in today’s plane, today’s here and now.
When you ask for them, you raise your vibration, and when they listen to you, they lower theirs. This brings you all closer together immediately. Start slowly by simply saying “Dear angels and spirit guides, thank you for being there for me, I would like your guidance today. Please show me what I need to do today for my highest good.”
The “highest good” part is the most important part. Anything else you say is gravy, just acknowledging their presence in your life will mean the most to them. As you begin to get more comfortable with this, you can ask them for signs. For example, if you are having a love problem, ask them to send you a sign regarding that specific person. “Is he the right person for me? Can you show me something today if I am on the right path with him?”
You may not get your sign that day, the universe does not have the same clock we do. But you WILL get something if your question was meant to be. How will you know? You just will. It will be like knowing your own name. In fact, you may even hear your own name.
Like anything, practice makes perfect, but your relationship with your angels and spirit guides is already perfect. You just need to let them know that you are ready to work and grow with them, every day, it literally takes only a few seconds, and you will be amazed at the miracles that begin manifesting in your life. Namaste!