Norah Astrologer Norah the Astrologer from Premium Astrology Tue, 04 Jun 2013 19:22:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Norah Guide Discusses How to Create Lucid Dreams Tue, 04 Jun 2013 19:22:39 +0000  

Hello friends, I hope you all have been enjoying our dream discussion series! Recently we have been talking about how to control your dream content, and one way I started to show you how to do that is through the use of hypnagogic and hypnapompic dreams. This can be extremely helpful to those of you wanting to work more on your dreams. Today we are going to look at lucid dreams, and this will take you further on your discovery of your dream land. So let’s get to it!

What is a lucid dream? Before you learn how to activate them, you surely want to learn how to control them. A lucid dream is a dream where you feel lucid. Lucid is just another word for being awake, feeling awake, and feeling clear headed. For example, after four or five glasses of wine at the company picnic, you might not feel very lucid. And when you are sleeping, you aren’t aware of anything, so you definitely are NOT lucid. But a lucid dream on the other hand is where you ARE dreaming, but you FEEL lucid. You feel like you are awake, and like you are watching the whole show from your pillow. This is why people like them, because a lucid dream is one that you can actually try to control. And who wouldn’t want to create their own dream content?

Vacation in the Bahamas anyone? A reunion with your twin flame? A peek into your past lives? All of these things you can do in your lucid dreams. So you want to learn how to engage in this activity. Here’s how!

1. Prepare your evening ritual like you would any other night. Get ready for bed!

2. Set your alarm for approximately 2-3 hours from when you are going to bed.

3. Before you put your head down for the night, say a prayer, or do a very small meditation and union with your angels and guides or whoever you speak to and let them know you will be watching your dreams tonight, that you would like a lucid dream.

4. Write this same affirmation down in the dream journal you should all have by your bed by now : )

5. Go to sleep!

6. When your alarm goes off, only wake up for enough time to rest your alarm for the morning again, and then go back to sleep.

7. With practice, you will start to lucid dream using these methods.

And that’s it folks! The key takeaway from this process is that you will need practice for this, this will not happen overnight. You might get very lucky, and this might happen, but this does not happen to everyone. Keep practicing, keep the faith, and soon you too will be remembering and writing down all of those lucid dreams.

Any questions? Have any experiences to share? Let me know over at Facebook or Twitter and I’ll be happy to help. Until next time friends, sweet dreams! Love, Norah

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Norah Guide Discusses How to Create Hypnapompic and Hypnagogic Dreams Fri, 31 May 2013 18:04:19 +0000

Hello friends, I hope you all enjoyed last week’s discussion on the hypnagogic and hypnapompic experiences! Today we are going to continue this discussion by learning some exercises that are going to help you truly begin to pull this all together. Have you taken the time to practice or at least start getting familiar with your own hypnagogic and hypnapompic states? Perhaps you tried but weren’t really sure whether or not you were doing the right thing. All of this is normal as you start to get used to this process. Today I am going to hopefully help you get a little more familiar with this. And, if you want to connect with me on LinkedIn, I will be posting related videos to this content to truly help you harness the power of the hypnagogic experience. So let’s dive in!

Do you remember what the hypnagogic dream and hypnapompic dream really are? They are basically just you dreaming, while you are at least partially awake. You will notice you start to enter this state when your body starts to jerk. Little jerks, like your foot jumping, your fingers twitching, or anything that sounds even remotely familiar. When you feel this happening, you are now in this state. This does not happen so much for the hypnapompic, but you may have times where you recall waking up one day and felt your foot jerking, or waking up before the rest of you did.

How do you pay attention to what is going on unconsciously during this state? For starters, you need to have patience, and be prepared to practice. This is not exactly something that will magically come to you overnight. Keep some tools by your bed such as a pen and some paper so that you can write down the things that come to you. Then just, go to bed.

The process is very similar to meditation, and many people report similar experiences during the hypnagogic state to meditation. The same happens for hypnapompic, but there are not as many reports. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, hypnapompic reports are more rare, but they do happen. Some people have no experiences in the hypnagogic state when they are falling asleep, but they experience a lot of activity upon waking, and will even often report they are not “morning people”. This is due to this activity.

As you enter your sleep state, or start to tell your brain you are going to sleep, do all of the things you normally do. Get ready for bed, do all of your routines, and then just, go to bed. Lie in bed telling yourself you are not going to sleep, but that you are going to “watch yourself sleep”. Then just breathe in, and out, and wait for the images and information to occur.

And they will. With time. As far as the hypnapompic experience is concerned, it works the same way but backwards. Before you open your eyes in the morning, if you remember, pay attention to what you were “thinking about” i.e. dreaming, right before you chose to wake up.

And that’s it! Have any questions? Drop me a line at Facebook or Twitter and it will be my absolute pleasure to help you sort out those exciting dreams. Until next time, sweet dreams friends. Love, Norah

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Norah Guide Defines Hypnagogic Dreams and Hypnapompic Dreams Fri, 24 May 2013 17:10:46 +0000

Hello friends, I hope you all are having a fantastic May! We are launching another exciting blog series to help you on your path of enlightenment. This blog series is going to cover a very important part of your daily, and nightly life. Dreams! If you are following my Google+ page you will be able to enjoy our celebration all through the month of May on this very topic. There I am posting dream symbols almost every day to help you better understand your dreams. I also am running a blog series on the planet of dreamy Neptune, where knowing more about your Neptune placement can help you better understand your dreams. You can make sure you don’t miss a beat on that one by following my About Me page. Here we are going to explore some of the more intricate parts of dreams in more detail than I am covering on social media. So, consider this blog series a more advanced series of sorts. Did you know that your nightly dreams are far more advanced than you realize? It’s not simply about lying down and away you go. Today we are going to explore the definitions of two sleep states that will help you understand your dreams better. So let’s get to it!

The two sleep states that I am talking about are hypnagogic and hypnapompic dreams. This is a period of your sleep where you are sort of in that half way point between sleep and awake. Part of you is conscious, but most of you isn’t. The hypnagogic portion of this sleep state occurs just as you are falling asleep. And the hypnapompic portion of this sleep state occurs just as you are waking up in the morning.

This is a very important sleep state and sleep period because you get just as much, if not more, information about your day to day life during these periods. You receive information from the psychic universe, from your subconscious, from your unconscious, and even from others during this time. So if you are really paying attention during this sleep state, you will start to see images, colors, people even, and find out some very enlightening information.

Not all of this information will be useful, or will make sense to you. This information works very much in the same ways as dreams do. You may remember all of the information, but not understand it. You may also find that you have recurring images, these are very important messages and you want to pay special attention to them. Even if they don’t seem to make sense now, the meaning will come to you down the road in an Ah Hah moment where it all becomes crystal clear.

So before I take you on an exploration of how to truly understand, and in some ways even create, your own hypnagogic and hypnapompic dream experiences, it is simply important to understand what they are. Again, the hypnagogic period is that sleep state where you are between awake and sleep at night, and the hypnapompic period is the same sleep state, but the one that occurs in the morning before you wake up.

Next time I am going to talk about how to really make the most of this dream content, and even some exercises in how to control it. Until then, pay attention to these times over the next few days. Those moments right before you fall asleep, and anything special that you may be “suddenly” thinking about when you wake up. They will mean something, and I will help you understand that next time. Until then, sweet dreams friends. Love, Norah

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Norah Guide Discusses How to Create Your Own Dream Content Fri, 17 May 2013 21:10:45 +0000

Hello friends, I hope you enjoyed the blog discussion series on the chakras! Meditating and working through your chakra centers can be such a powerful aid to you on your path of enlightenment. When your chakras are balanced and aligned you will find that your life sort of seems to be as well. You may not be a millionaire with three homes, but you have a sense of contentment and purpose in your life that was lacking before you began your chakra work. One powerful way to continue working through your chakra centers is to learn how to pay attention to your dream content as well. Remember that information that comes to us in dreams is information as useful as information you receive in the mail, so long as you know how to activate it and learn from it. It’s such an important part of your path of enlightenment that I will be launching a blog discussion on the subject of dreams alone in the very near future. You can make sure that you don’t miss a beat of that by bookmarking my About Me page or the Dreams Board on my Pinterest page. I also am posting dream tips on my Google+ page through the spring to help you stay tuned into those special night time experiences. Today I am going to help you get into the practice of activating those dream centers, so that you too can use that information to guide and direct you on your path of enlightenment. So let’s get to it!

I always say on Tumblr when there are certain aspects in the skies that can help you make note of your dream content. Specifically Neptune is one planet that can aid in that regard, and I do have a blog series on that I am posting on the Planets Board on my Pinterest as well. But when those aspects aren’t favoring dream content, how can you create your own dreams? Most of us already look forward to going to bed at night, what if you had one more reason to, by knowing how to create your own dreams?

Well, you can do it, but you need to understand the process as well. The process is really as simple as telling yourself before you go to sleep what you want to dream about. I could finish the post right now and leave it at that, but you will get so much more out of that practice if you truly understand what is involved for that practice to work.

And this is where intention comes in. Activating your dream content is likely possible under any mental condition that you are in, but when your spirit and your heart is prepared with the purest intention, you have a better chance at getting answers to those “prayers”.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you are having a romantic problem and you want some input from your dreams to help guide you on the right path. You go to bed at night with all of your standard routine, and as you are lying down and preparing to go into dreamland you tell yourself, your angels, or your guides, that you would like to dream about you and your romantic partner on vacation having a great time, as some sort of assurance to you that by seeing this dream you will receive faith that all will end well with your particular situation.

You may well dream of just that, but it’s unlikely, and you will find yourself disappointed in the process of learning how to activate your dream content because you didn’t get what you asked for. That’s because it doesn’t work that way, it works with your intention, not with your desire. If all you wanted was happy go lucky answers from the universe, you will find yourself disappointed more often than not. The universe will always and only provide you with the truth. So when you set your intention to create your own dream content, you need to do so with the willingness and preparedness to accept whatever truth the universe will send you. And always remember that the truth will set you free.

So how do you do that, what words do you say to ensure that is what you are asking at this point? You simply ask for the solution to your current problem to reveal itself in your dream world. You can do this in prayer, as a wish, or in a conversation with your guides and angels, however you choose to communicate this intention is your own personal choice, there is no wrong answer. If you do so by simply putting your head on the pillow, closing your eyes, and saying, “Please show me in my dream tonight what the solution to my problem with (money, love, etc) is right now that would be a blessing for which I would be deeply grateful.” And then you can let the thoughts go, and drift off into dreamland waiting for your answer to arrive. Do this every night, and get into this practice. It may happen night one, it may not, but you will find the rewards in the process nonetheless.

And if you have any enjoyable experiences using this method, we would love to hear them! Post your dream activation methods on my Facebook wall or Google+ page and enlighten us all with your enlightening experiences. Look forward to hearing them all. Until then, sweet dreams my friends. Love, Norah

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Norah Guide Discusses the Violet Chakra: The Crown Chakra Fri, 10 May 2013 00:18:34 +0000

Hello friends, I hope you have been enjoying the conversations on the chakras. Today we wrap up this exciting series by covering the seventh and final chakra, the crown chakra. As I have mentioned before this will not be my final feature on the chakras however as I have many blog discussions happening right now that cover some other areas of this topic. Be sure that you are logged into my Pinterest page if you are looking for more information related to the chakras such as crystal healing, or exercises that will help you open your third eye chakra. Today however we are going to cover the seventh and final chakra, and that is the crown chakra. It is almost the same color as the third eye chakra, and has very similar properties. Let’s get to it, shall we?

The crown chakra is the chakra that is located at the top of your head, or the crown of your head if you will. It is referred to as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, and this word means petal lotus. This is very symbolic as the number of petals in a lotus of a chakra image is 1000 which reduces to the number 1, the most intuitive number of them all, in numerology.

The number one also represents leadership and power, and a person that is goal oriented and driven. If your crown chakra is well balanced, this may well be you!

The color associated with the crown chakra is violet, but many people also refer the color white to this chakra as well. Violet is the highest color of light on the spectrum, and white is even purer than that, so this is how the two are so closely related in terms of the color of this chakra.

The crown chakra is associated with a “knowing”. Whereas the third eye chakra focuses on “seeing”, this one focuses on “knowing” without a shadow of a doubt that what you are “seeing” is the truth. So it is important that both of these chakras are balanced.

Emotionally speaking, this chakra will help keep your emotions in check. Peace and enlightenment can be found when these chakras are balanced together. If this chakra is out of balance you may experience migraines, a sensitivity to light, or extreme fatigue.

And there you have it friends! Everything you need to know about the chakras to keep them in check and balanced well. If you want to catch some related videos to these topics, be sure you are Linked In with me. You can also catch more related blogs through my About Me page or Pinterest boards as well. Can’t wait to see you there! Until then my friends, love and be loved. Love, Norah Guide

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Norah Guide Discusses the Indigo Chakra: Third Eye Chakra Sat, 04 May 2013 00:08:16 +0000
Hello friends, I hope you have been enjoying our chakra series. Understanding the basics of the chakras and how to maintain them and keep them balanced is not nearly as complicated as some people think. If you are enjoying this series you may enjoy some of the other blog series we have going on right now that are related. Our discussion on the crystals may be of interest to you, or our entire blog series on the third eye chakra alone. All of them are a lot of fun and you don’t want to miss a single one! You can make sure you are all caught up with all of them by joining either my Pinterest boards or my About Me page. I also post related videos on my LinkedIn page on occasion, so if this topic is of interest to you, then be sure that you connect with me there. Today we turn to one of these topics and that is a briefing on the third eye chakra itself. So let’s have a look!

In Sanskrit the third eye chakra is referred to as Ajna, and is related to the color of indigo. Its location is on the brow, or right between your eyes. As such it is also sometimes called the brow chakra. This chakra helps to balance our mental calculations and thinking processes, and it offers us our intuitive advantage to life. Some people have a third eye chakra that is more open than others, and this enables them with the gifts of telepathy and clairvoyance.

Our third eye chakra also helps us to sort fiction from reality, whether that is from someone in front of us lying to us, or whether we spend too much time in fantasy land. Interestingly enough the truths that the third eye can see also include auras, so if you or someone you know can see auras they have a very active third eye chakra.

This chakra is also associated with Shamanic seeing. It is closely associated with inner vision, psychic abilities, and imagination. Meditating on the sixth chakra color of indigo can help to enhance these qualities. Meditating on this color will not only open the third eye, but will also open many other spiritual vibrations within you because this is the most spiritual color of all.

I am going to leave you with that friends until next time when we will cover the final chakra the crown chakra. But I won’t leave you empty handed. Be sure you have my About Me page bookmarked so that you don’t miss a single feature in all of my exciting blog series. Until then, keep that third eye open! Love, Norah

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