Hello friends, I hope you all are having a fantastic May! We are launching another exciting blog series to help you on your path of enlightenment. This blog series is going to cover a very important part of your daily, and nightly life. Dreams! If you are following my Google+ page you will be able to enjoy our celebration all through the month of May on this very topic. There I am posting dream symbols almost every day to help you better understand your dreams. I also am running a blog series on the planet of dreamy Neptune, where knowing more about your Neptune placement can help you better understand your dreams. You can make sure you don’t miss a beat on that one by following my About Me page. Here we are going to explore some of the more intricate parts of dreams in more detail than I am covering on social media. So, consider this blog series a more advanced series of sorts. Did you know that your nightly dreams are far more advanced than you realize? It’s not simply about lying down and away you go. Today we are going to explore the definitions of two sleep states that will help you understand your dreams better. So let’s get to it!
The two sleep states that I am talking about are hypnagogic and hypnapompic dreams. This is a period of your sleep where you are sort of in that half way point between sleep and awake. Part of you is conscious, but most of you isn’t. The hypnagogic portion of this sleep state occurs just as you are falling asleep. And the hypnapompic portion of this sleep state occurs just as you are waking up in the morning.
This is a very important sleep state and sleep period because you get just as much, if not more, information about your day to day life during these periods. You receive information from the psychic universe, from your subconscious, from your unconscious, and even from others during this time. So if you are really paying attention during this sleep state, you will start to see images, colors, people even, and find out some very enlightening information.
Not all of this information will be useful, or will make sense to you. This information works very much in the same ways as dreams do. You may remember all of the information, but not understand it. You may also find that you have recurring images, these are very important messages and you want to pay special attention to them. Even if they don’t seem to make sense now, the meaning will come to you down the road in an Ah Hah moment where it all becomes crystal clear.
So before I take you on an exploration of how to truly understand, and in some ways even create, your own hypnagogic and hypnapompic dream experiences, it is simply important to understand what they are. Again, the hypnagogic period is that sleep state where you are between awake and sleep at night, and the hypnapompic period is the same sleep state, but the one that occurs in the morning before you wake up.
Next time I am going to talk about how to really make the most of this dream content, and even some exercises in how to control it. Until then, pay attention to these times over the next few days. Those moments right before you fall asleep, and anything special that you may be “suddenly” thinking about when you wake up. They will mean something, and I will help you understand that next time. Until then, sweet dreams friends. Love, Norah