Hello friends, I hope you all enjoyed last week’s discussion on the hypnagogic and hypnapompic experiences! Today we are going to continue this discussion by learning some exercises that are going to help you truly begin to pull this all together. Have you taken the time to practice or at least start getting familiar with your own hypnagogic and hypnapompic states? Perhaps you tried but weren’t really sure whether or not you were doing the right thing. All of this is normal as you start to get used to this process. Today I am going to hopefully help you get a little more familiar with this. And, if you want to connect with me on LinkedIn, I will be posting related videos to this content to truly help you harness the power of the hypnagogic experience. So let’s dive in! Continue Reading
All posts for the month May, 2013
Hello friends, I hope you all are having a fantastic May! We are launching another exciting blog series to help you on your path of enlightenment. This blog series is going to cover a very important part of your daily, and nightly life. Dreams! If you are following my Google+ page you will be able to enjoy our celebration all through the month of May on this very topic. There I am posting dream symbols almost every day to help you better understand your dreams. I also am running a blog series on the planet of dreamy Neptune, where knowing more about your Neptune placement can help you better understand your dreams. You can make sure you don’t miss a beat on that one by following my About Me page. Here we are going to explore some of the more intricate parts of dreams in more detail than I am covering on social media. So, consider this blog series a more advanced series of sorts. Did you know that your nightly dreams are far more advanced than you realize? It’s not simply about lying down and away you go. Today we are going to explore the definitions of two sleep states that will help you understand your dreams better. So let’s get to it! Continue Reading
Hello friends, I hope you enjoyed the blog discussion series on the chakras! Meditating and working through your chakra centers can be such a powerful aid to you on your path of enlightenment. When your chakras are balanced and aligned you will find that your life sort of seems to be as well. You may not be a millionaire with three homes, but you have a sense of contentment and purpose in your life that was lacking before you began your chakra work. One powerful way to continue working through your chakra centers is to learn how to pay attention to your dream content as well. Remember that information that comes to us in dreams is information as useful as information you receive in the mail, so long as you know how to activate it and learn from it. It’s such an important part of your path of enlightenment that I will be launching a blog discussion on the subject of dreams alone in the very near future. You can make sure that you don’t miss a beat of that by bookmarking my About Me page or the Dreams Board on my Pinterest page. I also am posting dream tips on my Google+ page through the spring to help you stay tuned into those special night time experiences. Today I am going to help you get into the practice of activating those dream centers, so that you too can use that information to guide and direct you on your path of enlightenment. So let’s get to it! Continue Reading
Hello friends, I hope you have been enjoying the conversations on the chakras. Today we wrap up this exciting series by covering the seventh and final chakra, the crown chakra. As I have mentioned before this will not be my final feature on the chakras however as I have many blog discussions happening right now that cover some other areas of this topic. Be sure that you are logged into my Pinterest page if you are looking for more information related to the chakras such as crystal healing, or exercises that will help you open your third eye chakra. Today however we are going to cover the seventh and final chakra, and that is the crown chakra. It is almost the same color as the third eye chakra, and has very similar properties. Let’s get to it, shall we? Continue Reading